Saturday, September 26, 2009


People in the United States are very concerned with staying in shape. There are many different kinds of gym memberships that someone in our area can get. Some people decide to get personally trained while other people attempt to strength train on their own. Many women join a local gym like New York Sports Club and simply take cardio, spin, and step classes. There are at least fifteen gyms in our area but I choose to take part in a fitness training program called Crossfit. Crossfit is a system of varied, high intensity workouts. These workouts include body weight activities such as push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, box jumps and running. The workouts also include the use of barbells, kettle bells, and weighted vests. This program seems to work for people because all of the workouts can be modified so that people feel comfortable completing them. People also enjoy this type of fitness regimen because it is something different every day, every day is a challenge. Other people enjoy this workout because it is a timed workout which therefore creates competition. As a result, when people attend a workout they are there to either break their own personal record or to simply beat the times of the people at the workout with them.
Check it out!

1. Concerned- past tense verb. To interest or engage.
2. Strength train- noun. Fitness routine to gain muscular strength.
3. New York Sports Club- noun. Popular gym in the New York area.

4. Cardio-adjective. A type of exercise that focuses on helping to improve the condition of your heart.
5. Crossfit- noun. Strength and conditioning workout program.
6. Kettlebells-noun. A cast iron weight with a handle.
7. Modified- verb. To change the form or quality of.
8. Regimen- noun. A regulated course.

1. A popular gym in the New York area is _____________________.
2. People swing ______________ in order to make their back muscles stronger.
3. Men and women like to keep a strict workout ____________to keep them focused.
4. Some people choose to ________________ while others choose to do cardio workouts.
5. _____________ workouts involve running or fitness classes.
6. Americans are very ___________ with fitness.
7. When a workout is too difficult people will do an easier workout which is called a ___________ modified.
8. ____________ is a new fitness training program that I participate in.

Plurals using –s and –es
There are many plurals within this paragraph (classes, vests, workouts, gyms, activities, barbells, creates). When a word ends in s, x, z, ch, or sh then you add –es to make it plural. When a word ends in –y such as activity then you change the –y to an -i and add –es. The word would then become activities, referring to the plural, more than one activity. For most other words you can just add –s.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Today in class the students were read a book called Have You Filled a Bucket Today?. The concept behind this book is to help teach students how to make each other feel good about who they are. The idea is that everyone carries an invisible bucket around with them wherever they go. This bucket holds are feelings inside it. When someone’s bucket is empty then that person is sad but when someone’s bucket is full they are happy! Some ways to fill peoples’ buckets are to give them compliments, help someone, or smile at someone. People that do nice things like this are called “Bucket Fillers”. There are also people called “Bucket Dippers”. These people are people who make fun, bully, or say mean things. The goal of the classroom now is to be a “Bucket Filler” not a “Bucket Dipper”.

Concept- an idea.
Invisible- not able to be seen, hidden.
Empty- containing nothing.
Compliment- expression of praise or good wishes.
Bucket Filler- someone who is nice to the people around them and says nice things to them.
Bucket Dipper- a bully or someone who is mean to the people around them.

1) The ghost could not be seen in the haunted house, he was ___________________.
2) A __________________ is someone who is always helpful and nice to the people around them.
3) The _______________ trash can had nothing in it.
4) The _______________ of bucket filling is to make people feel good about themselves.
5) The boy gave the girl a ________________ because she was being a good listener.
6) A _________________ is someone who is a bully.