Wednesday, December 16, 2009
New Student!

Monday, December 14, 2009
Great Day!

6. After the appetizer comes the __________.
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Holiday Season!

1. mall- large building containing retail stores to shop in.
2. neighborhood- the area around my house.
3. Hanukkah- Jewish festival lasting eight days.
4. Menorah- a symbol of Hanukkah containing nine candles that are lit nightly during the holiday.
5. Christmas carols- joyful songs about Christmas.
6. instrument- an apparatus that produces musical sounds.
7. orchestra- a group of people who play string instruments.
1. My _____________ is beautifully decorated for the holidays!
2. The ___________ contains violins, cellos, and violas.
3. Every morning students play ____________ with their instruments.
4. The __________ is lit every night during the celebration of Hanukkah.
5. My favorite store at the _________ is Urban Outfitters.
6. The _________ that I used to play is the clarinet.
7. ___________ is a Jewish festival that lasts eight days.
Grammar Point
An adjective is a word that describes a noun. There are many adjectives in this paragraph including special, colored, white, large, and two. Try to use as many adjectives as you can to write a story about what you do for the holidays!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Mommy For a Weekend!

1. babysit- to take care of someone else's children while they are away.
2. anniversary- a day that celebrates a past celebration on the same day every year.
3. tough crowd- American saying that means it is a hard group of people to control.
4. errands- a short trip in order to perform a specific task, for example; going to the post office or the supermarket.
5. was a breeze- American saying meaning it was an easy task to complete.
6. pouring rain- American saying that means it was raining very hard.
7. experience- living through an event, can be positive or negative.
1. Everything in the yard was soaking wet because it was __________all day!
2. I had to run so many ________ after school, I had to go to the mall, the grocery store, and the doctor.
3. The boys did not behave, they were a _________!
4. The spelling activity __________, everyone finished it so quickly!
5. The _________ of my parents' wedding comes around once a year.
6. I had such a great __________when I went to Disney World for a week.
7. When parents go away they usually hire someone to _________their children.
Grammar Point
Notice the sequence of the story. It uses days of the week to organize the story from start to finish. Try to write your own story using days of the week!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The island is also very culturally diverse, the area is divided into a French side and a side owned by the Netherland Antilles, the Dutch. On the French side there is great food, entertainment, and beautiful beaches! The Dutch side also has fantastic beaches along with many opportunities for fun! When I went to St.Maarten one of our favorite places to visit was the Westin resort. At the Westin there is a beautiful pool and beach but the best part of the resort is the casino. The Dawn Beach casino has a great deal of roulette and blackjack tables as well as many slot machines to gamble on.
Another great thing to do in St.Maarten is to rent a boat for the day. When you rent a boat you have the opportunity to explore many different beaches of the island. You can also visit smaller islands in the surrounding area that you may not be able to reach by car. St.Maarten is filled with many other great things to do but the only way to find out is to go! The island is known as the "friendly island" but there is much more to look forward to!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The World Series!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The first thing you need to get is a bag of candy. You also need to print out a "ghosting letter" (I will give you the link!). The ghosting letter explains the rules of "ghosting". When you are ready to begin you need to first fill a brown paper bag with candy. The bag also needs two "ghosting letters" and two copies of a picture of a ghost. The next step is to choose a friend to "ghost" and wait until it is dark outside. Finally, when it is dark (and with the help of your parents) you go to your friend's house. You quickly and quietly get out of the car, run up to your friend's house and put the bag of "ghosting" material on the front step. Before anyone hears or sees you ring the doorbell and run, also known to children as "ding, dong, ditch". Then run back to the car so no one sees you! When your friend answers the door they will be happily surprised by what they find!
Now it is your friend's job to keep the chain going! Part of their job is to take the ghost picture out of the bag and promptly put it in their window. This picture symbolizes that they have been "ghosted" and no one can "ghost" them again! The next part is to assemble a bag to "ghost" someone else. As long as no one breaks the chain all of your friends, neighbors, and classmates will be "Ghosted"! This is a safe and fun way to spread Halloween excitement! Happy "Ghosting"!
1. policy- (noun) a rule that a school or group needs to follow.
2. chatter- (noun) foolish talk that children do together.
3. trick-0r-treating- (noun) Halloween tradition where students go door to door ringing the doorbell and collecting candy from their neighbors.
4. jack-o-lantern- (noun) a pumpkin that is hollowed out and cut to resemble a scary face. A candle is then placed inside to be seen at night time.
5. copies-(noun) plural for copy- a reproduction of something already made.
6. symbolizes-(verb)- a picture that represents or stands for something.
7. assemble- (verb)- to put together.
8. breaks the chain- a saying that means to keep a tradition going.
9. neighbor- (noun) people who live near on your block or near you.
Vocabulary Exercise
1. As long as no one __________ everyone will get "ghosted".
2. When you buy new furniture sometimes you need to _________ it.
3. The American flag __________ our country.
4. My next door ___________ is named Sally.
5. Many children choose to go ____________ on Halloween!
6. I went to the pumpkin patch so I could carve a _____________ for Halloween!
7. The teacher made _______ of the worksheet to give the students.
8. You could hear the __________of the children talking from the other room.
9. The school _________ says that only second graders are allowed to dress up for Halloween.
In this paragraph there are many commas. One way a comma is used in English is when there are a list of items. The comma tells you that you should take a short pause in between each item of the list. Practice saying this example: costumes, trick-or-treating, ghosts, witches, jack-o-lanterns and of course candy!
Make sure that you take a brief pause between items. When you have mastered this skill try to write your own paragraph containing lists. Use commas between each list so the reader knows that they need to pause! Good luck!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Jury Duty

Many people think that jury duty is a real pain in the neck because you have to miss work for at least a day if not more. Other people can’t bear to go to jury duty because they feel that it is a waste of valuable time. When you go to jury duty you are placed in a large room with many other people from all walks of life. In this room you wait, and wait, and wait and WAIT! It feels like an eternity! Finally they begin calling people’s names. If your name gets called then you are now a prospective juror for a case. (A juror is someone who, along with other citizens, is called to listen to and decide on a legal case.) The next part of the process is to be questioned by the judge and the lawyers for both the defendant and the plaintiff in the case. These questions can range from very personal questions about your family to impersonal questions regarding the law. After the questioning session the lawyers and judge decide who they would like on the jury. If you are chosen then you are expected to show up at court until the case is closed. If you are not chosen then you are usually free to go. Although many people think that jury duty is a waste of time it is actually a very important responsibility of a United States citizen. It is our civic duty to take part in the government of our country as well as our state.
1. Citizen- (noun)- an inhabitant of a city, state, or country.
2. Jury- (noun)- group of people whose goal is to determine a verdict in a court case.
3. Communicate-(verb)- to give or interchange thoughts
4. “pain in the neck”- (adj)-to be annoying or troublesome
5. Prospective- (adj)- likely or potential
6. Plaintiff- (noun)- person who brings suit in court
1. There are usually twelve people on a _______________.
2. The _____________ sued the defendant in court for five thousand dollars.
3. Some people feel that wasting their day at court is a real _________________.
4. The ____________ jury candidates were questioned by the lawyers.
5. ____________ of the United States who are over eighteen are expected to take part in jury duty.
6. How would you like to ___________ your message?
Saturday, September 26, 2009

People in the United States are very concerned with staying in shape. There are many different kinds of gym memberships that someone in our area can get. Some people decide to get personally trained while other people attempt to strength train on their own. Many women join a local gym like New York Sports Club and simply take cardio, spin, and step classes. There are at least fifteen gyms in our area but I choose to take part in a fitness training program called Crossfit. Crossfit is a system of varied, high intensity workouts. These workouts include body weight activities such as push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, box jumps and running. The workouts also include the use of barbells, kettle bells, and weighted vests. This program seems to work for people because all of the workouts can be modified so that people feel comfortable completing them. People also enjoy this type of fitness regimen because it is something different every day, every day is a challenge. Other people enjoy this workout because it is a timed workout which therefore creates competition. As a result, when people attend a workout they are there to either break their own personal record or to simply beat the times of the people at the workout with them.
1. Concerned- past tense verb. To interest or engage.
2. Strength train- noun. Fitness routine to gain muscular strength.
3. New York Sports Club- noun. Popular gym in the New York area.
5. Crossfit- noun. Strength and conditioning workout program.
6. Kettlebells-noun. A cast iron weight with a handle.
7. Modified- verb. To change the form or quality of.
8. Regimen- noun. A regulated course.
1. A popular gym in the New York area is _____________________.
2. People swing ______________ in order to make their back muscles stronger.
3. Men and women like to keep a strict workout ____________to keep them focused.
4. Some people choose to ________________ while others choose to do cardio workouts.
5. _____________ workouts involve running or fitness classes.
6. Americans are very ___________ with fitness.
7. When a workout is too difficult people will do an easier workout which is called a ___________ modified.
8. ____________ is a new fitness training program that I participate in.
Plurals using –s and –es
There are many plurals within this paragraph (classes, vests, workouts, gyms, activities, barbells, creates). When a word ends in s, x, z, ch, or sh then you add –es to make it plural. When a word ends in –y such as activity then you change the –y to an -i and add –es. The word would then become activities, referring to the plural, more than one activity. For most other words you can just add –s.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Concept- an idea.
Invisible- not able to be seen, hidden.
Empty- containing nothing.
Compliment- expression of praise or good wishes.
Bucket Filler- someone who is nice to the people around them and says nice things to them.
Bucket Dipper- a bully or someone who is mean to the people around them.
1) The ghost could not be seen in the haunted house, he was ___________________.
2) A __________________ is someone who is always helpful and nice to the people around them.
3) The _______________ trash can had nothing in it.
4) The _______________ of bucket filling is to make people feel good about themselves.
5) The boy gave the girl a ________________ because she was being a good listener.
6) A _________________ is someone who is a bully.